Blog Posts

These past few weeks have been spent getting my life fully organized and packed up so that I am ready to head off to St. Jean Quebec to conduct my Basic Military Officer Qualification course which will last 14 weeks.

I must say that a lot of preparation had to be done on my part to get ready to leave. Since I lived by myself my entire set of belongings will be put away in storage (thankfully the Reg Force looks after the storage and moving arrangements) which will remain there until I get posted to Moose Jaw Saskatchewan for Phase II flight training. This can take upwards of a year, so I have had to separate my belongings into three sectors: What I would need on course; What I would want between courses and being posted to Moose Jaw; and what will go into storage. Surprisingly it gets pretty easy to throw things away or donate them once you decide what you actually WANT to keep and what would just be useless baggage.

Here is a picture of my place getting packed up:


Preparation for BMOQ includes much more than just looking after your belongings. I had to think about a number of things, including: Where to route my mail; Looking after my financial obligations (I would recommend paying off any credit card debt if you are able to, so it is one less thing you need to worry about during the course); Where to store a car if you need to; There is a bunch of paperwork which needs to be prepared (this includes writing your autobiography, and a security clearance form); You will want to ensure you have all of the required items as listed in the kit list ( I went ahead and purchased a few additional supplies, such as blister first aid packs, insoles for my boots, some note pads, sewing kit, and trying to be prepped, I am also bringing some Swiffer hand dust pads). Of course there is a bunch of other stuff that is needed, but many of the items will be available at the Canex upon arrival as well.

I guess time will tell if my preparations were enough to hold me over while I am away on course!

One thought on “Blog Posts

  1. Hey there, I was wondering if we could get an update on your progress with the forces. I’m a recent applicant and I’ve been combing this site for helpful tips. I’d love to know how BMOQ went. Thanks.


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